Jan 6, 2024

The Role of the Early Years Program in Your Child's Development

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Unlocking Holistic Development: The Early Years Program at Thandimfundo

The early years of a child’s life are a time of immense growth and discovery. The experiences they have during this crucial period lay the foundation for their lifelong learning journey. At Nord Anglia International School Dublin, our Early Years Program is carefully tailored to support the holistic development of every child, ensuring they grow physically, emotionally, socially, and cognitively.

The early years of a child’s life are a time of immense growth and discovery. The experiences they have during this crucial period lay the foundation for their lifelong learning journey. At Nord Anglia International School Dublin, our Early Years Program is carefully tailored to support the holistic development of every child, ensuring they grow physically, emotionally, socially, and cognitively.

Holistic development is an approach that ensures a child’s overall growth. It’s not just about academic achievements, but also about nurturing social skills, physical development, creativity, and emotional well-being. Our Early Years Program is designed with this holistic approach at its core, ensuring a well-rounded development for every child.

Our curriculum is a blend of structured learning and play, crafted by experienced educators who understand the unique needs and potential of young learners. The low teacher-student ratio allows for personalized attention, ensuring each child’s individual needs are met. The nurturing environment at NAIS, paired with a variety of engaging activities, helps foster a love for learning from a young age.

Moreover, our Early Years Program includes special activities that further enhance the holistic development of children. For instance, our outdoor learning spaces allow children to explore nature, develop motor skills, and learn about the world around them in a safe and supportive setting.

Our Early Years Program at NAIS is more than just a preschool education. It's a carefully crafted journey to ensure your child’s well-rounded growth, setting a solid foundation for the years of learning that lie ahead.

For a deeper understanding of our unique approach and how we incorporate play-based learning, delve into our subsequent articles:

These articles are part of our ongoing endeavor to provide insightful resources to our community. Interested in exploring our Early Years Program further? Visit our curricula page or, for more detailed information, feel free to contact us via our enquiry form. At NAIS, we're more than just a school - we're a community.