Jan 6, 2024

How We Incorporate Play-Based Learning into Our Early Years Program

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Play is the natural way children learn and make sense of the world around them. At Nord Anglia International School Dublin, we embrace play-based learning in our Early Years Program to foster a love for learning from a young age.

Play-based learning is an educational approach that uses play to promote learning in children. Through play, children can develop social and cognitive skills, mature emotionally, and gain the self-confidence required to engage in new experiences and environments.

In our Early Years Program, play-based learning is seamlessly integrated into the daily curriculum. Our classrooms are equipped with a variety of materials and resources that encourage play and exploration. From blocks and puzzles to art supplies and dramatic play areas, children have a plethora of opportunities to learn through play.

Our experienced educators skillfully integrate educational objectives within play activities, ensuring children are learning while they play. Whether it’s a math concept explored through block play or a science concept explored through water play, the possibilities are endless.

The benefits of play-based learning are manifold. It not only makes learning enjoyable but also aids in the holistic development of our young learners, ensuring they are well-prepared for the learning journey that lies ahead.

For more comprehensive insights into our Early Years Program and how it can benefit your child, we invite you to explore our related articles:

Discover a community that supports every child’s unique learning journey right from the early years by visiting our program page. For more detailed information or personalized assistance, feel free to contact us via our enquiry form. At NAIS, we strive to provide a nurturing environment where your child can thrive both academically and personally.